National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a program that provides people who have a permanent and significant disability with funding for supports and services.
These supports will help participants to:
pursue their goals, objectives and aspirations
increase their independence
increase community and workplace participation, and
develop their capacity to actively take part in the community.
We have experience in a wide range of disabilities areas including spinal cord injury, mental health, and neurological disorders. We provide services and expertise in the following areas:
Home Assessment
Functional (ADL) Assessment
Home Modifications
Assistive Technology (equipment)
Pre-planning Assessment
Housing Assessment SIL
Housing Assessment SDA
Recreation services
We assist people to realise their dreams and achieve their goals by working together with NDIS participants, their family members, carers, NDIS planners and support coordinators.