National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

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The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a program that provides people who have a permanent and significant disability with funding for supports and services.

These supports will help participants to:

  • pursue their goals, objectives and aspirations

  • increase their independence

  • increase community and workplace participation, and

  • develop their capacity to actively take part in the community.

We have experience in a wide range of disabilities areas including spinal cord injury, mental health, and neurological disorders.  We provide services and expertise in the following areas:

  • Home Assessment

  • Functional (ADL) Assessment

  • Home Modifications

  • Assistive Technology (equipment)

  • Pre-planning Assessment

  • Housing Assessment SIL

  • Housing Assessment SDA

  • Recreation services

We assist people to realise their dreams and achieve their goals by working together with NDIS participants, their family members, carers, NDIS planners and support coordinators.


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