Parkinson’s Disease Treatment


Donna Mills is a Certified LSVT BIG Clinician and treats people with Parkinson’s disease on the coast using this research based exercise program.

The aim of the intensive LSVT BIG training is to improve people’s ability to make bigger movements. These movements can then be generalized for different functional activities and situations. Initial results of research show that LSVT BIG training leads to:

  • faster walking with bigger steps

  • better balance

  • increased trunk rotation

  • improved quality of life

  • sustained improvements in movements that last up to three months post treatment

LSVT BIG treatment is administered in 16 sessions over a single month (four individual 60 minute sessions per week). This protocol was developed specifically to address the unique movement impairments for people with Parkinson disease. The protocol is both intensive and complex, with many repetitions of core movements that are used in daily living. This type of practice is necessary to optimize learning and carryover of better movement into everyday life.


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